Obstetrics & Gynaecology

The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department at Phoenix Multispeciality Hospital is dedicated to providing comprehensive and compassionate care to women at every stage of their reproductive journey. With a commitment to women’s health and well-being, our expert team of obstetricians and gynaecologists offers a wide range of services, from routine check-ups to advanced maternal-fetal medicine and complex gynaecological surgeries.

Maternity Services:

Prenatal Care: Our Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department prioritizes the well-being of expectant mothers and their babies. Prenatal care includes regular check-ups, ultrasounds, and screenings to monitor the health and development of the unborn child.

Labour and Delivery: With state-of-the-art birthing suites and experienced obstetricians, we provide a supportive environment for labour and delivery. Our team is skilled in managing both natural births and cesarean sections, ensuring the safety and comfort of mothers and infants.

Gynaecological Services:

Comprehensive Gynaecological Care: The department offers a range of gynaecological services addressing various women’s health needs. From routine annual exams to the management of reproductive health issues, our gynaecologists provide personalized and sensitive care.

Family Planning and Contraception: Our specialists offer comprehensive family planning services, including counseling on contraceptive options and procedures like intrauterine device (IUD) insertion and sterilization.

High-Risk Obstetrics:

Maternal-Fetal Medicine: For pregnancies with complications or high-risk factors, our Maternal-Fetal Medicine specialists provide specialized care. This includes advanced monitoring, diagnostic testing, and consultation services to optimize outcomes for both mother and baby.

Gynaecological Surgeries:

Minimally Invasive Procedures: Our gynaecologists are skilled in performing minimally invasive surgeries, including laparoscopic and hysteroscopic procedures. These techniques minimize recovery times, reduce scarring, and enhance overall patient comfort.

Gynaecological Oncology: For women facing gynaecological cancers, our Gynaecological Oncology specialists provide comprehensive care, including surgical interventions, chemotherapy, and ongoing support.

Fertility and Reproductive Medicine:

Infertility Evaluation and Treatment: Our team supports couples facing infertility issues, offering thorough evaluations and a range of fertility treatments, including assisted reproductive technologies like in vitro fertilization (IVF).

Patient-Centered Care:

Empathy and Communication: The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department places a strong emphasis on empathy and effective communication. Our healthcare professionals create a supportive and open environment, ensuring that women feel heard and understood throughout their healthcare journey.

Informed Decision-Making: Patient education is a cornerstone of our approach. We empower women with information about their health, treatment options, and the potential outcomes, facilitating informed decision-making in collaboration with healthcare providers.

Advanced Diagnostics and Imaging:

Advanced Ultrasound Services: Our department is equipped with advanced ultrasound services, facilitating detailed imaging for both obstetric and gynaecological evaluations. This aids in the early detection of potential issues and contributes to optimal care planning.

Community Education and Outreach:

Health Workshops and Seminars: Beyond clinical care, the department actively engages in community education. Workshops and seminars are organized to provide women with information about reproductive health, family planning, and wellness.

Women’s Health Awareness Programs: The department participates in women’s health awareness initiatives, emphasizing the importance of regular screenings, early detection of gynaecological issues, and overall health maintenance.

Inclusive and Accessible Healthcare:

Cultural Sensitivity: Recognizing the diverse cultural backgrounds of our patients, the Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department ensures that care is delivered with cultural sensitivity and respect for individual values and beliefs.

Language Access Services: Language interpretation services are provided to bridge communication gaps, ensuring that language is not a barrier to quality healthcare.


The Obstetrics & Gynaecology Department at Phoenix Multispeciality Hospital is committed to providing exceptional care to women, addressing their unique health needs from adolescence through pregnancy and beyond. Through a combination of advanced medical expertise, patient-centered approaches, and community engagement, our specialists strive to enhance the health and well-being of women in our community. Whether it’s routine check-ups, complex surgeries, or fertility treatments, our team is dedicated to supporting women at every stage of their reproductive journey.

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